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Plongez dans un monde futuriste et, en équipe, tentez de désactiver les virus qui infectent le cyberespace

Hacktivity est un jeu coopératif construit en mode campagne incluant 6 scénarios.

Le jeu se distingue par:
- une mécanique qui élimine l'apparition d'un joueur Alpha
- une gestion de cartes flexible et originale
- un casse-tête constant rempli de dilemmes et choix difficiles
- une tension palpable du débuit jusqu'à la fin.

Un jeu hautement interactif convenant aux joueurs occasionnels et aux ludistes aguerris.


A new virus has been detected in cyberspace.

According to your investigation, the virus’ origin is linked to the activation of quantum generators, a new source of infinite energy.
You and your team will dive into the depths of cyberspace and attempt to break through the generators’ defenses to short-circuit them once and for all.

Game Details:
Hacktivity is a cooperative story-driven campaign card game for 1 to 4 players. Immerse yourself as one of the four unique characters.
Each turn, draw cards from your character deck and/or the virus deck. Your first goal is to use up all the cards from the virus deck.

  • Play a virus card on the Antivirus Interface to paralyse it.
  • Then, play character cards to attack and deactivate the virus. You will be able to attack the quantum generator as well or restore your Firewall.
  • Watch out! Be careful to not generate too much interference.
  • Maintain strong communications among your teammates to implement the optimal strategy.
  • Everyone can participate in each scenario in this inclusively designed card game.
  • Follow the storyline of the campaign in the Scenarios Booklet.
  • Open new sealed decks to reveal new cards and unlock new abilities.

The game will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end!.
Dive into cyberspace now with Hacktivity!

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