The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth - Prerelease Pack

Prix de vente $49.99

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The best way to build a Sealed deck right out of the box—The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Prerelease Pack from Home contains 6 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Draft Boosters, 2 Bonus Set Set Boosters, 1 Traditional Foil year-stamped Rare or Mythic Rare card, 1 Traditional Foil year-stamped card from a pool of 6 Prerelease Promo cards, 1 Helper card, 1 MTG Arena code card (only available in select regions), 1 deck box, and 1 Spindown life counter.

This product does not contain Serialized Ring cards including the Serialized Elven, Dwarven, or Human Sol Ring cards, and The 1 of 1 Ring (Serialized 001 of 001). Serialized Elven, Dwarven, and Human Sol Ring cards can only be found in some The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Collector Boosters. Only one card has been printed of The One Ring (Serialized 001 of 001), and this card can only be found in one English-Language Collector Booster. Non-serialized Ring cards are mechanically identical to their Serialized versions.

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